Get your own hosting or ask your friend to host ur site for you

MaBelleverlsating-Positivity in life June 25th, 2008 |

Talking about blog deletions and inactivation, I experience twice with wordpress. And nothing I can do with it for my storage is under them. I’m just using their free storage service though I have my own domain name. And having a domain name under them is not enough especially when doing some non-personal articles. So those who want to have a safe blog, buy a hosting so that your site will be safe. And I would recommend that you will choose bluehost. Right now, I’m using bluehost and my sites are up and will load quickly. If there’s somebody who advice me like this before, I’d rather have my hosting and then my domain name rather than domain name alone. Actually, I do hear about it but it’s not clearly stated to me on what’s the best thing to do in order to have a safe site under such platform. But right now, I’m advising that you will get a hosting or ask somebody to host your blog for you. Gets? In that way, your site will be safe from deletions and inactivation. Gee!