I don’t have anything against them, instead I’m thanful for what they did for I learned many things

MaBelleverlsating-Positivity in life June 26th, 2008 |

With me saying get your own hosting or ask your friend to host your site for you, I don’t have anything against wordpress.com. It’s their site and I’m just using their free services before though I have my domain. And since it’s a free service, those who are using it like me should abide their rules and regulations. What I wanted to say is that when you want to monetize your blog and using wordpress platform, you might as well get your own hosting or ask somebody to host for you for wordpress.com doesn’t like it. Like doing a paid blogging and your blog is under them. You get what I mean? If you want to earn, wordpress.com is not a place to do that. If you like to use wordpress platform, again have a web host for your blog. How many times I’ve read that phrase before, like if you want to earn this is not the right place for you. But it’s not clearly stated to me on what to do for I’m still new and I’m still discovering what blogging is all about. But now I know. And thanks to wordpress for deleting my other site and inactivating this site for I learn many lessons. This is the next level of my blogging life. I just don’t know what will happen next. Gee! I’m just hoping that I will learn more. Also I’m enjoying helping my other friends as well. Gee!