Babies are priceless – take good care of them
I have lots of cousins who had their first babies at younger age. They struggled a lot during those days that they weren’t stable yet. But to these days, they are happy and their lives are fine. Their babies do well in school and everything is well in their part.
I can remember those times that they were struggling it seemed that people were looking at them as if they’re no hope for them. But those people were wrong as their lives are okay right now.
Yes, having babies is a sacrifice and it is one great choice. Babies are blessings not burdens. Those people who are looking at those couples or single parents who have lots of babies as “OMG” but they themselves don’t have babies, when they will be old, they will look back and will say to themselves, “How I wish I have babies when I was younger!”
So, as early as now, have babies and take good care of them. Though, I am not saying for for you to have babies even when you are not stable. I am saying that embrace the babies that you have, the babies that God gave you even when you are young. Though you need to have finances to take care of your babies but when you cannot prevent it and you have babies, then, be thankful for it and ask help from God in taking care of your babies. In the first place, babies are gifts from heaven, so God can provide as always. When you grow old, you will be thankful you have babies at that particular age of yours. You will be thankful to God to have the best blessings in life and that’s your children. The best blessings that you will ever have! Babies are priceless!