Do something every day to manifest
Hold fast to your vision and do something every day to bring it into manifestation. – Michael Bernard Beckwith (FB page)
I love this quote from Michael Bernard Beckwith as most of the time I will forgot all of my dreams and visions in life when I am overwhelmed with my daily family tasks. Anyway, I am a full time mother and wife. I do homeschooling every day to my two kids, I have to cook at least 3x a day, and then do other chores. Most of the times, I am overwhelmed as while I am homeschooling, I also have to do my online work so as for me to earn few cents to dollars so that I have my own money (to pay for my own payables, share to my family back home, help a little in buying some stuff for my own family). That’s why I am so quick in anger when I feel so loaded. And thanks to this message as it gives me a hint on what to do in life. I hope I can do something every day so that all my good dreams for my family will come true at the right time – in God’s time.